Crank Media Review: Fine Lines

I know what you’re thinking – didn’t we already review this one?  Nope.  We reviewed “A Fine Line“.  Fine Lines is a much different film.

Fine Lines is available streaming on Amazon, free for Prime members as of the time of this writing.  It caught my eye because there’s very little in the way of climbing-films available on Prime or Netflix, so I figured I’d give it a chance.  Well that, and everybody is in it.

No seriously.


Conrad Anker
Maureen Beck
Tommy Caldwell
Jimmy Chin
Steph Davis
Xavier De Le Rue
Emily Harrington
Lynn Hill
Alex Honnold
Leo Houlding
David Lama
Reinhold Messner
Hilaree Nelson
Adam Ondra
Angelika Rainer
Chris Sharma
Pasang Lhamu Sherpa
Pemba Gyalje Sherpa
Lai Chi Wai
Erik Weihenmayer

Back to business. What is this film?  Its a compilation of interviews, with each climber addressing similar topics from their unique perspective.  The visuals are either of the interview itself, or the audio is used as voice-over for climbing footage, most of which I think I’ve seen before elsewhere.  The topics cover the heavy stuff climbers deal with: risk, loss, pressure, consequences, desires. One complaint I would make is that unlike some other interview driven films (like Rocky Mountain Highball), the narrative doesn’t seem terribly structured – it flits from one topic to the next and then loops back on itself.  While that’s definitely how my brain works anyway, it left parts of the film feeling rudder-less.

I’m gonna be honest – I didn’t like this film at first.  I went so far as to text friends halfway in, asking if they’d seen it, and if I was just being critical.  It’s just not my kind of film; there’s no new footage of gnarly sending, there’s no blasting punk rock soundtrack, I knew all the punchlines that they hid for “big reveals” in the second act.  The things I disliked were the same things I disliked about ‘Free Solo’ – its not a climbing film, its a film about climbers.  Had I gone in with with difference expectations, I would have been more charitable.

That said, once into the second half, the tone shifted and I did enjoy the film significantly more. Fine Lines has a diverse cast across generations, gender, nationality, and disciplines.  Emily Harrington and Steph Davis really shine in the way they articulate things, and voices like Pasang Lhamu Sherpa and Pemba Gyalje Sherpa should be heard more often.  It deals with very serious subjects and you know that off the jump; it juxtaposes its interview with the late David Lama talking about his potential legacy and the news of his death in the first moments.

I’m glad I stuck with it until the end, even with my initial hesitation.  If you are looking for something that addresses the more thoughtful side of climbing, or just need a break from the normal go-go-go of the classics like Rampage and Dosage, check this one out.

Verdict: Stream it
Where to see it: Amazon Prime