
Welcome to The Crank Chronicles!  This is a new place where the members of Crank Climbing and the Crank Community will put forth ideas, suggestions, tips, reviews, and foster the next stages of information concerning all things climbing.  Here are some things to look forward to:
Film and Event Reviews – There are hundreds, if not thousands, of climbing films out there including some true gems mixed with many that are a little rough to witness.  Check out what eye candy you are missing, what to avoid, and what can help maintain and share your psych.  Events are happening every weekend and you can’t attend them all, even in the Mid-Atlantic.  Find out what is coming up, what you missed, and what to put on your calendar for next season.  All this and more from Crank Climbing co-founder and resident enabler of all ideas both good and bad, Justin Meserve.
Crank Climbing Method of Training – A system with six separate facets focused through the lenses of six distinct phases to maximize your efforts in training and development.  There are many training systems out there, but this one of the few rooted in exercise science and research.  Created and optimized over the course of the last three years through targeted personal and objective testing by Crank Climbing co-founder Tylor Streett (MS, NASM-CPT, PES).  Look forward to the full book coming out (hopefully) in 2016!
Crank Community Contributions – We will regularly reach out to the Crank Community for an idea on a piece about the climbing world.  This could be anything from rants and raves, compliments and commendations, or a review of an event that we could not attend. Have an idea for a post?  Contact us at [email protected] to share your thoughts with the world!

Editorial – A regular piece can be expected from the third co-founder, Dane “the beta creator” Meserve.  A rising pillar of the community in Harford County Maryland and co-author of the Rocks State Park Bouldering Guide, he will add his thoughts on the scene and conditions of the climbing universe both locally and in the world at large.

We are excited to be starting this project in 2015, and hope to bring the Crank Community even more in the upcoming years.  Updates will be noted on our Facebook page and we welcome any new ideas to enrich your experience.